25+ years of experience

Fast response times

Fair and honest quotes

Personalised services

Call 0208 544 4888 to contact our experts Contact us

Our coverage area

Arrival Lifts is a family-run lift company based in Carshalton with more than 25 years’ experience. Over our decades in the industry we have worked on countless lifts across the south-east. With our expertise, attention to detail, and personalised service we conduct highly effective repairs, maintenance, installations, and modernisations for our clients. We cover a broad area including Greater London, Surrey, and Kent.

Find out if we work near you

If you’re not sure if we work near you, feel free to make an enquiry by calling 0208 544 4888, sending an email to enquiries@arrivallifts.com, or leaving a message through our enquiry form.


Our client testimonials

Our clients are consistently impressed with the quality of both our work and our customer service. Take a look at their experiences and see for yourself the high standards you can expect when you choose Arrival Lifts.