25+ years of experience

Fast response times

Fair and honest quotes

Personalised services

Call 0208 544 4888 for an immediate response to your lift emergency Contact us


24/7 Emergency lift services

Get your lift back up and running as soon as possible with help from the experts. At Arrival Lifts, we pride ourselves on fast response times and top-quality service to ensure your lift is functioning normally again, reducing disruption and downtime at your site. We are contactable twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year, and can be with you in as little as two hours to respond to your issues. From residential buildings to commercial, leisure, and industrial sites, we work with a huge range of clients across Surrey, Kent, and Greater London. Our engineers provide efficient, responsive, and personalised emergency lift services that ensures all of your lift breakdowns are speedily resolved.

Our client testimonials

Our clients are consistently impressed with the quality of both our work and our customer service. Take a look at their experiences and see for yourself the high standards you can expect when you choose Arrival Lifts.

Call our emergency lift engineers right away

Call 0208 544 4888 for a swift response from our team. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by sending an email to enquiries@arrivallifts.com or filling out our contact form. Our helpful team will talk you through your options and quickly dispatch an engineer to begin working on a solution.


Choose us for your emergency lift call-out

An unexpected lift outage is already a major obstacle to the normal operation of your site. If people or goods are trapped inside, then you may face major delays or even health and safety concerns. Our lift engineers respond quickly to call-outs and carry universal parts to potentially carry out an immediate repair. With over twenty-five years in operation, we are deeply immersed in the industry and quickly diagnose problems to provide the best possible emergency lift repair. Our knowledge, attention to detail, and customer service have made our emergency lift services highly sought-after across the south-east.


Emergency lift services(3)

Can lift breakdowns be prevented?

A lift is a complex piece of equipment with both mechanical and electrical components that experiences heavy and constant usage throughout its life. This exposes it to wear and tear and the potential for component failures. These issues can be mitigated with regular servicing and preventative maintenance. You can reduce the chance of a sudden lift breakdown by having our expert engineers regularly examine it. They will check every element and provide paperwork detailing their findings. If there are any actions that need to be taken, we will provide a range of appropriate options to suit different budgets and site requirements. Find out more about our maintenance services and book an engineer to visit your site.